The SC also granted a temporary protection order and “prohibited the respondents from going within a radius of one kilometer of the petitioners and their immediate family.”
MANILA – The Supreme Court has granted the writ of amparo petition filed by the families of missing labor organizers Elizabeth “Loi” Magbanua and Alipio “Ador” Juat on Tuesday, August 23.
In a statement to the media, the SC Public Information Office said that the high court referred the case to the Court of Appeals (CA) to hear the petition on August 30 and decide within 10 days after its submission for decision.
The SC also granted a temporary protection order and “prohibited the respondents from going within a radius of one kilometer of the petitioners and their immediate family.”
It was on August 11 when the families of Magbanua and Juat filed the writ of amparo petition at the SC.
READ: SC Issues Writ of Amparo in Favor of Elizabeth “Loi” Magbanua and Alipio “Ador” Juat
— Philippine Supreme Court Public Information Office (@SCPh_PIO) August 23, 2022
A writ of amparo is a legal remedy available to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or threatened with violation by unlawful act of a public official or employee, or of a private individual or entity. The writ covers extralegal killings and enforced disappearances and even threats.
Among the respondents are Lt. Gen. Bartolome Vicente Bacarro in his capacity as Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines as well as other officials of the Department of National Defense, National Intelligence Coordinating Agency and the Philippine Army among others. They are ordered to file a comment to the petition before the CA within 72 hours after its service.
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Last July, Magbanua and Juat’s families also sought the assistance of the Commission of Human Rights to locate their loved ones.
Magbanua and Juat are labor organizers who were missing since May 3. Juat was reportedly able to call his relatives and told them that they were abducted by soldiers belonging to the Philippine Navy. (JJE, RVO)