We assert that journalism is no crime. The public service that journalism brings is essential now more than ever amid our increasingly fragile democracy. We urge the public to join our call: End the systematic use of anti-terrorism policies against civilians, junk the Anti-Terror Law, and abolish the NTF-ELCAC.
Tags: Frenchie Mae Cumpio
Irene Khan asks PH: Have you reviewed cases vs journalists already?
United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and opinion Irene Khan urged the Philippine government to review cases of journalists facing charges in court, asking as well about the status of yet unsolved media killings in the country.
UN expert assails continued detention of Frenchie Mae
“Frenchie has finally had an opportunity to take the stand to defend herself. It has taken the government nearly half a decade to prepare a case against Frenchie and during this long period, this young woman has been left to languish in detention. That itself raises serious questions about the fairness of the process.”
Frenchie Mae’s cue
Detained journalist Frenchie Mae debunks police’s claims
“We were not hiding anything,” Cumpio said during the hearing. “We would have allowed them in because we have nothing illegal to hide,” she said, referring to the Feb. 7, 2020 raids.
Bells ring for detained journo’s freedom
“If Cumpio and Domequil who have voices to speak for being a journalist and a church worker respectfully are already being persecuted by weaponized laws, how can an ordinary Filipino seek justice for himself?”
CHR asked to probe restrictions on detained journo’s visitation rights
“We appeal to the Commission of Human Rights to help us remind the government to honor the rights of Cumpio under the Mandela Rules and other human rights related to her being a political detainee.”
News in Pictures | Groups call to release sick, elderly political prisoners, drop all false charges
“It has become a policy to detain and arrest political prisoners on trumped-up charges, most are criminal charges and it’s non-bailable. As for the people who know political prisoners, they are known as servants in their communities, peasants, workers, and even church people.”
Women journos call for release of detained broadcaster Frenchie Mae Cumpio
On International Women’s Day, journalists have called for the release of detained community journalist Frenchie Mae Cumpio.
Media groups urge DOJ to release journalist Frenchie Mae Cumpio, 2 others
“The recent visit and observations made by UNSR Khan have brought to light the unjust state of their prolonged detention, begging an immediate review and dismissal of the charges against them, should evidence be lacking,” the groups said.
UN expert calls for abolition of NTF-ELCAC, tolerance of PH gov’t to dissent
“The whole concept of freedom of expression is to be able to say what you want even if it offends the other side. The government should encourage a greater culture of tolerance.” — Special Rapporteur on Free Expression and Opinion Irene Khan