The Court of Appeals has affirmed an earlier local court ruling that convicted the suspect behind the 2012 murder of Dutch missionary and development worker Willem Geertman.
Tags: Willem Geertman
San Fernando RTC finds suspect in Geertman murder guilty
A suspect in the killing of a Dutch lay missionary in Angeles City on July 3, 2012 was found guilty by the San Fernando City Regional Trial Court this morning.
‘200 women in black’ ask Pope Francis to speak on human rights violations
MANILA — It has been two years since Willem Geertman, a Dutch missionary, was killed. Yet, his fiancee Maria Aurora Santiago said it remains unclear who were behind the brutal killing. If she will have the chance to speak to Pope Francis, she would tell him, “Willem is no criminal and did not deserve such…
Trial starts on killing of Dutch environmentalist
“The motive behind his killing is political.” – Sr. Cecille Ruiz, Karapatan-Central Luzon
DOJ urged to review Geertman murder case
‘It is not just about the error in assessing facts and evidences, but the tendency to ignore and cover up state responsibility in extrajudicial killings.’
Groups assert killing of Dutch missionary politically-motivated
The family and their counsel view the resolution, which ruled that the killing of Willem Geertman was a robbery with homicide case, as “incredibly detached and blindly oblivious to the relevant and material circumstances surrounding the cold-blooded murder.”
Rights violations under Aquino bear shades of Arroyo’s record
The Aquino government has not taken any action to address the impunity in extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations under Arroyo, thus, resulting in the continuing increase in human rights violations, which have taken the same pattern as during the dark days of the previous administration.
Sidebar: Martial law victims slam Aquino’s inaction on indemnification bill
Revolution and counterrevolution
The current oppressive regime, now presided over by Mr. Benigno Aquino III, escalates its senseless, bloody counterinsurgency campaigns in a futile attempt to suppress the people’s protest.
Kin demand justice for Dutch missionary, other victims of killings
Asked about his message for President Benigno Aquino III, Antonius Geertman, brother of Willem, said, “As the representative of the Filipino people, he should listen to what his people want and that is justice. He owes it to his people.”
New Zealanders call for justice for slain Dutch missionary
New Zealanders call for justice for slain Dutch missionary (Photo contributed by Auckland Philippines Solidarity /
Fact-finding mission finds Geertman killing politically-motivated
Witnesses said the killers forced Willem Geertman to his knees and shouted invectives at him before pulling the trigger.