President Duterte’s oft-repeated avowal is to accomplish before the end of his six-year term, in 2022, a shift in the form of government from the present unitary to a federal system. That accomplished, he has declared, he will volunteer to resign as President. And he has kept saying that only such a shift to federalism…
Tags: Moro National Liberation Front
MNLF, ASG clashes show deep-seated, unresolved conflict in Mindanao
The Armed Forces of the Philippines said they would not get involved, except to evacuate civilians likely to be affected. But in Manila, a lawyer who said that he is a spokesperson of the MNLF Emmanuel Fontanilla has charged that the ASG is likely getting arms and ammunitions from the AFP.
As GRP, MILF Clash over Aborted Agreement, Peace Deals with MNLF Remain Unimplemented
While the conflict between the GRP and the MILF has escalated with the aborted signing of the ancestral domain agreement, previous agreements signed with the MNLF have yet to be properly implemented. BY ALEXANDER MARTIN REMOLLINO Vol. VIII, No. 29, August 24-30, 2008 While the conflict between the Government of the Republic of the…