“Is it any wonder that he is again getting away with plunder? Enrile’s plunder acquittal is just one of several cases related to the Marcoses and his cronies that have been dismissed since the May 2022 elections.”
Tags: Juan Ponce Enrile
A deeply ingrained militaristic mindset
Yesterday president-in-waiting Ferdinand Marcos Jr. named Juan Ponce Enrile as his presidential legal counsel. A key implementor during Marcos Sr.’s martial law dictatorship, Enrile figured prominently in the latter’s ouster by popular uprising in 1986. He still faces charges of plunder as former Senate president.
How the accused masterminds of the Olalia-Alay-ay slay relished impunity
The ‘lowly operatives’ such as Jabatan, Casanova, and Perez are the only ones facing the consequences of a crime, which apparently was sanctioned by the higher-ups.
Enrile before history
What the media described as an “apology” last Oct. 24 from former Marcos Defense Minister Juan Ponce Enrile was in the same league as that of Marcos’s daughter Imee’s and son Bongbong’s. But unlike the “apologies” of those two, Enrile’s sounded like an appeal not only to the electorate but also to the judgment of…
Where is the promise of good governance?
By BENJIE OLIVEROS Bulatlat Perspective The Aquino administration is about to finish its fourth year and yet, the country is nowhere near the nirvana of corruption-free government acting on the best interests of the Filipino people, which was the campaign promise of Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III. “Kung walang korap, walang mahirap.” Has corruption been eradicated?…
Black sand mining: eroding livelihoods, destroying communities
‘The impacts of magnetite mining operations in Cagayan Province are an indictment on the country’s flawed mining policies.’
Winners and losers
By LUIS V. TEODORO Vantage Point | BusinessWorld Benigno Aquino III has been in triumphalist mode since 2010 when he handily won the Presidential elections. Succeeding events since have not moved him from that state. The results of the 2013 mid-term elections have given him something more to crow about, and even more so the…
27 years, testimonies, enough to nail higher-ups behind Olalia, Alay-ay murder – KMU
“We are not surprised by Bueno’s admission, for we knew from the very beginning who the real perpetrators of the most ghastly torture and murder of our comrades Ka Lando and Ka Leonor were.”
Gringo Honasan named as one of commanding officers of team that abducted, killed Olalia, Alay-ay
A state witness said then colonel Gringo Honasan headed the Special Operations Group, under the Defense department, that abducted and killed labor leaders Rolando Olalia and Leonor Alay-ay in 1986.
Another former soldier testifies on military role in Olalia, Alay-ay murders

Former Sgt. Eduardo Bueno named at least six soldiers involved in the surveillance, abduction, torture and murders of labor leader Rolando Olalia and companion Leonor Alay-ay, but, he said, he read in newspapers that most of them had been gunned down one by one.