The Philippine military’s plan to combat cyber-attacks and misinformation is as illogical as it is hypocritical.
Alternative news website Bulatlat is alarmed over news that the military is planning on strengthening its cyber security measures, saying that cyber-attacks against independent media and human rights groups have been linked to their camp.
On a related note, certain elements in the military have accused Bulatlat through the years of being linked with terrorist groups.
Given this situation, how can the military conveniently ignore what it has done to Bulatlat as it takes a stand against cyber-attacks and misinformation?
In 2021, Sweden-based Qurium Media Foundation traced a cyber-attack from the Philippine Army, including activities linked to an email address ( and to the Chief of Staff for Intelligence of the Philippine Army. Qurium findings were later confirmed by the Computer Emergency Response Team of the Department of Information and Communication Technology (DICT).
Read the forensic digital report: Attacks against media in the Philippines continue
Read Qurium’s statement on CERT-PH response: Confirmed by CERT-PH: Philippine Army involved in DDOS attacks against independent media
Read Bulatlat’s past statement denouncing the military for accusing Bulatlat of being a communist front in the Know Thy Enemy presentation and Trinity of War training manual: We will not be muzzled
Recent news reports reveal that the Philippine military said there is a dedicated unit that is focused on combating cyber attacks and misinformation and that they are planning to recruit “cyber warriors.”
Last year, Ferdinand Marcos Jr. certified as urgent the passing of proposed laws that aim to strengthen the country’s cybersecurity efforts.
Bulatlat maintains that these so-called “cyber security” efforts could mean online surveillance, distributed denial of service (DDOS) attacks, “fake news” and other forms of attacks aimed to suppress freedom of the press and of expression, as well as the people’s right to information. This issue was brought to the attention of the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression Irene Khan who will hold her official country visit next week.
Danilo Arao
Associate Editor, Bulatlat
Associate Professor of Journalism, UPD College of Mass Communication