KMU condemns Pentagon, police violence vs workers

“The continued use of violence against the workers of Pentagon and collusion between the Pentagon management, the police, and the Department of Labor and Employment is infuriating.” _ KMU


MANILA — The progressive labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno condemned the management of Pentagon Steel Corporation, its owner Mariano Chan and its human resources head Pablito Alcover for the violence outside its gate yesterday July 13. KMU said a security guard was killed and two others were wounded when the delivery truck of the nail and cyclone wire factory attempted to run over the picketing workers.

Not only that, the policemen, the pentagon’s security guards and “paid goons” reportedly also threw stones and acid at the picketing workers.

July 13 marked the third month of the Pentagon workers’ picket protest. About 150 workers established the picketline three months ago after they were dismissed from their jobs when they refused to sign waivers prohibiting them from conducting picket protests.

Condemnable collusion against workers

The continued use of violence against the workers of Pentagon and collusion between the Pentagon management, the police, and the Department of Labor and Employment is infuriating, said Roger Soluta, secretary-general of KMU in a statement last night.

Pentagon management employs these 'scabs' in an attempt to replace longtime workers they fired after 'illegally' declaring a lockout.
Pentagon management employs these ‘scabs’ in an attempt to replace longtime workers they fired after ‘illegally’ declaring a lockout.

The KMU pointed to Pentagon capitalist Mariano Chan and Human Resources Department head of Pentagon, Pablito Alcover, as the ones to blame for the fatal violence at Pentagon.

The Department of Labor and Employment has also issued an injunction order against the workers’ picket. According to the KMU, the Pentagon management and the police are using this injunction order as justification for their presence at the picketline and harassment of the protesting workers.

“Instead of listening to the workers’ calls, Chan and Alcover responded with violence. Faced with the workers’ unity and the growing support to their picket, they are becoming desperate,” Soluta said.

Aside from the security guard, a scab died last May in Pentagon when he fell off its roof as he tried to avoid the picket.

“To ignore the workers’ demands, the blood in the hands of Mariano Chan and Pablito Alcover are increasing. But the workers are only demanding what is already due them,” said Soluta. (

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