Disastrous disaster capitalism

What this is, in simple terms, is disaster capitalism: the commodification of crisis in order to generate greater profits. What others would call “supply and demand” is actually sellers preying on fear, anxiety, and sometimes even safety in order to generate profit. By JUSTIN UMALI Bulatlat.com Crises are always unpredictable regardless of preparation. The current…

No work suspension for Laguna BPOs despite harmful ash fall

Gabriela Women’s Party called out the action, reminding BPO firms that the current ash fall is “an occupational safety and health issue.” GWP cited Republic Act 11058, or the Occupational Safety and Health Law, which states that workers have right of refusal to work without threat or reprisal if an imminent danger exists in the workplace.

Kin, lawyer of NPA spokesperson denied visits, information

On November 27, at 12 noon, Padilla was taken from CIDG-NCR to an unknown location. According to Padilla’s lawyer Kristina Conti, officers from the San Juan Municipal Police Station refused to give Padilla’s whereabouts and were similarly unwilling to divulge information on who is handling Padilla’s case.