Villar and Marcos’ position in Philippine society echoes back to Marie Antoinette’s – a landed pseudo-aristocracy whose power stems from their stranglehold of economic production. These compradors and landlords have differ little from the old nobles of feudal societies.
Disastrous disaster capitalism
What this is, in simple terms, is disaster capitalism: the commodification of crisis in order to generate greater profits. What others would call “supply and demand” is actually sellers preying on fear, anxiety, and sometimes even safety in order to generate profit. By JUSTIN UMALI Crises are always unpredictable regardless of preparation. The current…
No work suspension for Laguna BPOs despite harmful ash fall
Gabriela Women’s Party called out the action, reminding BPO firms that the current ash fall is “an occupational safety and health issue.” GWP cited Republic Act 11058, or the Occupational Safety and Health Law, which states that workers have right of refusal to work without threat or reprisal if an imminent danger exists in the workplace.
Taal volcano spews ash, residents evacuate
Currently, evacuation efforts are underway in the towns of Talisay, Balete, and San Nicolas, Batangas, while flights to and from NAIA have been temporarily put on hold. About 8,000 residents have been ordered to evacuate so far.
The complicated relationship between Iran and US imperialism
Soleimani’s assassination clearly has no basis in any rhetoric of “self-defense” from the Pentagon. He was another casualty in an effort by the US to exert political control in the region, and assert dominance over its sphere of influence.
Groups say US assassination of Iranian general violates international law
“Trump thinks that a war with Iran will work in his favor. He overestimates US capacity and grossly underestimates global resistance to US imperialism.”
NDFP Southern Tagalog celebrates CPP’s 51st anniversary
“The NDF greets the CPP in its ability to stay strong despite continuing attack and urges the people of the Southern Tagalog region to rise up and join the struggle.”
Kin, lawyer of NPA spokesperson denied visits, information
On November 27, at 12 noon, Padilla was taken from CIDG-NCR to an unknown location. According to Padilla’s lawyer Kristina Conti, officers from the San Juan Municipal Police Station refused to give Padilla’s whereabouts and were similarly unwilling to divulge information on who is handling Padilla’s case.
Impeaching the world’s greatest professional wrestler
Naturally, Trump has elevated the discourse yet again. From distilling current events he is now creating it as US President. Now, he’s not just using the power of capitalism to wrestle; he’s the world’s champion of the global imperialist system.
The Mangyan struggle in Mindoro
Mangyan are the target of intensified state violence due to counterinsurgency program dubbed as Oplan Kapanatagan. Last June, strafing and bombing operations in Victoria and Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro, forced over 600 Mangyan to evacuate to the lowlands.
Baguio youth activist receives death threats
Yanat Baguio-Benguet condemned the threats, saying that “the state is hell-bent on suppressing those who are critical of its administration.”