In 10 regions, wages are lower than P290.
Tags: two-tier wage
Workers belie rosy economic growth figures
The disparity between the rich and the poor has only widened as wages were kept depressed and dragged further down by the two-tier wage system, which the Aquino administration introduced early into its term.
Neophyte unionists invite others to form own unions
“While many thought forming unions is detrimental to workers, genuine unions fight for workers’ rights and against abuses in the workplace.” – union leader
‘Last, meager wage hike kills, buries minimum wage’

From now on, the KMU warned, the government will freeze minimum wages via its new wage system.
Labor groups call Aquino’s new wage system a ‘many-tiered deception’

Labor groups slammed the Aquino government’s two tiered wage system saying that it would effect wage cuts, prompt massive layoffs and contractualization, and legalize violations against the minimum wage law.
Workers storm DOLE, Mendiola to protest ‘hunger-inducing’ new wage system

“Not only is the Aquino government refusing to approve a significant wage hike, it is also implementing new policies that further press down workers’ wages.” – KMU
From wage freeze to wage cuts: Aquino government pilots two-tier wage system

“The labor department itself has maneuvered to deceive workers with a supposed wage hike whose determination the capitalists hold now even more firmly in their hands.” – PAMANTIK–KMU
2nd part: In Calabarzon, workers get first taste of wage cuts via two-tier wage system
Sidebar: Latest poverty measure: excluding the poor from the poverty count
In Calabarzon, workers get first taste of wage cuts via two-tier wage system
2nd of two, series on two-tier wage 1st of two, series on two-tier wage: From wage freeze to wage cuts: Aquino government pilots two-tier wage system Sidebar: Latest poverty measure: excluding the poor from the poverty count By MARYA SALAMAT Calamba, LAGUNA – The two-tier wage system is being piloted since May this year…