Ibon Foundation said that the Rice Tariffication Law has never benefited farmers. From P385 billion in 2018 ($7 billion), the value of palay production declined to P333 billion ($6.06 billion) in 2021 despite an increase of 894,076 metric ton in production volume.
Tags: rice tarrification law
Agri watch groups boycott gov’t food security summit, call for junking of EO 135
“Why would the government launch a National Food Security Summit, if it will only rely on imports instead of boosting local production? The summit should be boycotted because it is organized by those who instigated the food crisis and those who did not address the legitimate demands of rice farmers and food producers.”
Hungry nation
Nobody from the Duterte administration wants to admit that the Republic Act 11203, which has liberalized rice importation, is the culprit behind the miserable state of our farmers right now.