Citing financial statements culled from past public consultations with DOTC and train operators, RILES Network said the real cost of a single ride ticket, which already covers the maintenance and operation, is only P9.50 ($0.21). What the government has been “subsidizing” is the difference between the current fare and the P60 ($1.35) per passenger fare it guaranteed to private concessionaires.
Tags: public-private partnership
Lawmaker files House resolution declaring a moratorium on demolitions
“While the government has no concrete plans for informal settlers, no demolition should take place in communities.”
A hostage to corporate interests
By BENJIE OLIVEROS Analysis The revelation made by the Water for the People Network and Ibon Foundation that the two water concessionaires, Manila Water and Maynilad, make consumers pay for their corporate income taxes, travel expenses, company outings, gifts, flowers, among other irregular exactions shocked the public. And we thought the highly disadvantageous contracts the…
Privatization will affect poor patients, government health workers
For public health workers, serving the Filipino people should always be the government’s priority.
Special relations: new pup, same collar
By Carol Pagaduan-Araullo Streetwise | BusinessWorld President Benigno Aquino III came to power in June 2010 with “special relations” – the Philippines serving as a neocolony of the US – already entrenched 64 years after the “grant” of independence. Before him, every administration had tried to outdo its predecessors in maintaining this unequal and unjust…
Public Private Partnerships in education, health ‘more costly’– ACT Teachers Party

“The financial cost of repaying the capital investment of Private Finance Initiative investors is therefore considerably greater than the equivalent repayment of direct government investment.” – England’s House of Commons Treasury Committee
News in Pictures: No To Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
Labor Group Warns Aquino of People Power vs. MRT-LRT Fare Hike (PR)
Press Release 22 February 2011 “People power might just hit you in the face.” This was labor center Kilusang Mayo Uno’s warning to Pres. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III should he push through with the implementation of the MRT-LRT fare hike. Workers, together with other sectors, have already registered their opposition to the increase in public…
Letter to the Editor: Ban Large-Scale, Foreign Mining, Not Just in Palawan, but Nationwide
Letter to the Editor February 18, 2011 It took the life of a dignified man before President Noynoy Aquino declared that all mining applications in the province of Puerto Princesa will no longer be processed. The death of Dr. Gerry Ortega, a big loss for the media institution and for the whole community defending the…
Benjie Oliveros | The Importance of the Agenda in the Peace Negotiations
Nothing much is being said about the agenda and the developments in the talks. This is most unfortunate because what is being negotiated are important matters that could affect not only the peace talks but the future of the Filipino people. And the Filipino people’s inputs and involvement in the talks are not only desirable but essential. By BENJIE OLIVEROS /
Satur C. Ocampo | Can We Trim Poverty by 10% in Five Years?
Is the government merely tinkering with figures on poverty and economic growth, or is it honestly and sincerely trying to achieve real economic goals? By SATUR C. OCAMPO /