Tags: Philippine Collegian

To the military, Acosta is a terrorist as defined in the Aquino government’s military campaign Oplan Bayanihan. But to many friends and colleagues from the University of the Philippines, he is nothing of the sort. He is a poet, songwriter, and activist.

The 90th birth anniversary, and 10th death anniversary this year of the nationalist scholar and former colleague, the late Professor Renato Constantino, is being commemorated amidst perhaps the most serious global crisis of capitalism since the Great Depression of the 1930s, and at a time of a great imperial disorder. Events are showing that the…

More than the hospital administration’s apparent lack of political will, the rates increase only abets the growing neglect of social services by the national government, to the detriment of disadvantaged Filipinos. BY LARISSA MAE R. SUAREZ Philippine Collegian Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 33, September 23-29, 2007 Rosa (not her real name) emerges from…

The UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) this year drew more applicants from both public and private high schools than last year, but fewer public school graduates actually passed the UPCAT. BY VICTOR GREGOR LIMON Philippine Collegian Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 33, September 23-29, 2007 The UP College Admission Test (UPCAT) this year drew…

They are the university’s guidance counselors, librarians, technical specialists, extension workers and researchers, who are also at the forefront of developing and producing notable researches. BY JOHN ALLIAGE MORALES Philippine Collegian Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 28, August 19-25, 2007 They are the university’s guidance counselors, librarians, technical specialists, extension workers and researchers, who…

Saying that expensive technology is not the solution to the decline in the quality of education in the country, teacher and student groups called for the scrapping of the DepEd’s Cyber Education Project. BY VICTOR GREGOR LIMON Philippine Collegian Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 28, August 19-25, 2007 Saying that expensive technology is not…

The supposed advantages of computer-based education have been blurred by commercial interests. In this sense, promoting technology as a catch-word to attract would-be students is nothing more than a marketing scheme, designed to lure prospective clients to a substandard education. BY JOHN RAPHAEL FULGAR Philippine Collegian Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 27, August 12-18,…

Recent trends reveal a new, more disturbing facet of call center employment: members of the academic community, students, graduates, and now, even the faculty, are leaving the university to work in such agencies because of the attractive pay BY MICAELA PAPA AND JERRIE M. ABELLA Philippine Collegian Posted by Bulatlat Vol. VII. No. 26, August…