De Lima said that the arbitrary detention of their consultants is part of a string of “blatant violations” by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) of the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) it signed with the NDFP in 1995.
Tags: NDFP
NDFP celebrates 51st anniversary, foresees resurgence
“On the firm foundation of the 51 years of glorious revolutionary struggle and the resurgence that inevitably follows rectification we are confident of winning more battles in the years to come.”
GRP, NDFP announce possible resumption of peace talks
The document said both parties agree to a principled and peaceful resolution of the nearly 55-year old armed conflict.
Scared of books
Blood Rush | Unrest
This latest terrorist designation on the NDFP is a fascistic act of casting the net so wide in order to tag the armed revolutionary group as a growing network. That it comes with the government’s inability to contain the probable spread of the much feared COVID-19 Delta variant is no longer a shocker.
Rights group calls for independent probe on the killings of peace consultants
In a statement, Cristina Palabay, secretary general of Karapatan, said the recent killings should be investigated in the context of previous incidents of killings and attacks against other NDFP peace consultants.
Iloilo court clears NDFP consultant of charges
“The evidence against Bocala such as the fragmentation grenade, .45 and .22 caliber firearms were not established through the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses who failed to bring them to court and identify the evidence.”
Randall Echanis, jolly advocate of social justice
Randall Echanis, an unassuming man of peace, had sown and cared for enough seedlings to fill hectares of social activists who will not tire of pursuing justice and seeing into reality his fervent dreams – a bountiful harvest for Filipinos.
‘A revolutionary and peace warrior’: Tributes pour in for NDFP’s Fidel Agcaoili
“Ka Fidel V. Agcaoili, my counterpart in the peace table in our efforts to try to end the decades-long armed conflict with the CPP-NPA (New People’s Army)-NDF, was a man of honor and conviction.” — government negotiator Silvestre Bello III
Fidel Agcaoili, NDFP peace negotiator passes on
“According to the doctor, the cause of his death was pulmonary arterial rupture which caused massive internal bleeding. It was not Covid 19 related.”
Reds refute military’s claims of arrests, surrender
Since the declaration of a unilateral ceasefire by the Duterte administration, the CPP said that at least 219 barangays nationwide have been subject to counter-insurgency operations. They also assert that Duterte’s real goal is to “use the pandemic as an opportunity to try and crush the ‘insurgency’ before the end of his term in office,” pointing out the focus on military operations instead of social services.