Paramilitary groups, suspected of collusion with the military, have killed five people in five days, and caused massive forced evacuation.
Tags: lumad forced evacuation
Solon says military behind charges against him
“These trumped-up charges against us are acts of desperation.”
Indigenous groups want solon out as House IP committee head
“Rep. Nancy Catamco will endanger not only the Manobo evacuees in Davao, but also all indigenous peoples groups in the Philippines.”
Woman tribal chieftain praised at int’l confab
“Refusal and resistance is an indictment of the state that boasts of respecting the rights of the indigenous peoples.”
Makabayan solons denounce Davao police raid in Lumad church sanctuary
“The Lumads have sought refuge in UCCP after fleeing their villages that have been overrun by the military. Now the police are driving them away with brute force.”