“I never wanted to get rich or get famous. I want a meaningful life, that’s why I became an activist.”
Tags: International Women Human Rights Defenders Day
Aparición | Honey May Suazo
Hanimay Suazo is a high-profile human rights defender in Davao City. In 2019, she was disappeared after being red-tagged by an Army general.
17 women rights defenders killed under Duterte
“This brazen killing of a woman human rights defender and her fellow human rights advocates on the eve of International Women’s Human Rights Defenders’ Day is the latest proof of the impunity with which state forces under the Duterte administration commit human rights violations.”
‘Stop killing women human rights defenders,’ groups tell Aquino
‘Stop killing women human rights defenders,’ groups tell Aquino (Photo by Ronalyn V. Olea / Bulatlat.com)