Several organizations in other countries have been preparing for their simultaneous, coordinated protests in front of Philippine embassies and consulates to demand the prosecution of Duterte’s crimes against humanity, and call for an end to U.S. military aid to the Philippines, among others.
Tags: ILPS
Afghanistan in focus: New challenges and opportunities
It seems that from being a direct colony of the world’s top superpower, Afghanistan will now be subject to competition for influence by other global powers.
William Ramsey Clark: The U.S. attorney general who fought against U.S. war crimes
“As we painstakingly arouse, organize and mobilize against US Imperialism, we will continue to cherish Ramsey Clark’s spirit of internationalism that waged a remarkable and principled struggle for the peoples of the Global South from the belly of the beast.”
Paris Commune at 150: Reliving lessons of the revolution
“Our task now is to learn from the Paris Commune and think what needs to be done in the coming decades so that many of the debacles that the workers had the courage to face before will be turned into a situation wherein there is nothing else to do but turn down the existing state power.”
Filipinos bike for Myanmar’s democracy
Bayan-NCR denounced the Philippine Government’s “shameful withdrawal from the UNHRC resolution yet we find this unsurprising given the Duterte Administration’s consistent refusal for an investigation on human rights abuses in our own country.”
The Indian peoples’ historic uprising needs global support
“The economic model of India is characterized by a huge marginalization of the agricultural sector, and this is because of the deliberate undervaluing of the primary produce of farmers. The people who are dependent on primary production have incomes that keep on shrinking. They cannot produce much, not because they are inefficient but because what they are producing are actually of low value to the nation. The agricultural sector has collapsed really hard especially this pandemic.”
This October, the world fights for Palestine
“Despite the UN Resolution 194 that called for the returning of Palestinian refugees to their homeland, Israel denies our existence because their ideology is that no people were ever in that place called Palestine.”
Anti-imperialist light bulb in dark times
Without undergoing a revolutionary process, governments in neo-colonies like the Philippines cannot plan. This government will always have to wait for imperialist dictates through neoliberal structural adjustment of the economy and culture. This government has no sense of nation because to think of nation and national sovereignty is to be up against imperialism, which has been the source of political and economic power by rich and corrupt Filipino politicians.
Groups in 13 countries hold actions to demand right to public health, not profit
“COVID-19, one of the worst pandemics to hit the world since the Spanish Influenza of 1918 is now exposing the vulnerabilities of privatized national public health care systems and the inadequate response of the capitalist governments.”
Thousands join Global Day of Action vs US war on Iran
Progressives based in Manila, Italy, Seattle, Chicago, San Fransisco, Portland, Sydney, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Guatemala, Canada, and Hong Kong took to the streets to denounce the wide-scale death, destruction, and bloodshed created by the US-instigated wars.
Groups say US assassination of Iranian general violates international law
“Trump thinks that a war with Iran will work in his favor. He overestimates US capacity and grossly underestimates global resistance to US imperialism.”