Tags: human rights violations

By Satur C. Ocampo At Ground Level | The Philippine Star A month hence President Aquino will deliver his sixth and last state-of-the-nation address. However much he may embellish his administration’s achievements on the economy, anti-corruption drive and governmental reforms, he will be hounded by at least two unresolved issues: his “dismal record” on human…

The Aquino government boasted that its new counterinsurgency program Oplan Bayanihan is totally different from the infamous Oplan Bantay Laya of the previous administration. However, the mounting cries for justice of the people of Bondoc Peninsula in southern Luzon shows that it is different only in name, but the same in essence.

By JANESS ANN J. ELLAO Bulatlat.com DLUMAY, Sarangani — (Second of two parts) In an effort to document the human rights violations being perpetrated on the Blaans, Clans organized a peace and solidarity mission to visit Sitio Dlumay. More than 150 reporters and members of NGOs responded to CLANS’ invitation. The participants left General Santos…

The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today condemned the massacre of a prominent botanist and his two assistants last Nov. 15, and pinned responsibility on the 19th IB, calling for its expulsion from the region for committing mass killings and other human rights violations for so many years. “The NDF-EV condoles with the families and friends…

An association of 350 Catholic nuns from 40 congregations in Mindanao expressed outrage over the inclusion of Church people to the reported ‘order of battle’ of the 10th Infantry Division of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. In a document titled “JCICC ‘AGILA’ 3rd QTR 2007 OB VALIDATION RESULT,” several Catholic and Protestant groups were…