Tags: Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)

Molbog IPs stage 9-day hunger strike, DAR secretary no show

“[Secretary] Estrella, we are pleading to you. Please have mercy on us. The attacks against us have gone too far and our human rights are being violated. We can no longer go to school because of what San Miguel Corporation (SMC) is doing to us. Many young people among us still want to study, but I am one of those who had to stop because we can no longer live in peace there,” Rustene Pelayo Leoncio said in Filipino.

DAR urged to give land coverage back to the Molbog people

In 2023, DAR revoked the NOC of the 10,821 hectares of land of the indigenous peoples in Bugsuk, Palawan which was initially issued in 2014. Residents said that this decision by DAR Secretary Conrado Estrella III prompted escalated harassment and intimidation in their community in Sitio Mariahangin.

Farmers may lose control of over a million hectares of farmland under four agreements on agriculture that the Philippines signed with China last January, according to independent think-tank IBON Foundation. BY IBON FOUNDATION Posted by Bulatlat Vol.VII, No. 33, September 23-29, 2007 Farmers may lose control of over a million hectares of farmland under four…

After the strike ended more than two years ago, the HLI farm workers have been planting rice and vegetables providing them with income and food. But more than the earnings, they find fulfillment in cultivating the land that is rightfully theirs. BY DABET CASTAÑEDA Bulatlat Vol. VII, No. 28, August 19-25, 2007 Hacienda Luisita, Tarlac…

The government’s Inter-Agency Task Force that once “burned the night lamp” if only to solve land disputes in Rizal town, Kalinga has been revived with the mission of rooting out the problem so that there will be no repeat of the June 25 carnage between “settlers” and policemen. BY ACE ALEGRE Contributed to Bulatlat Vol.…