“We are more than just death statistics. We are your children, your siblings, your friends, your family. We are your fellow Filipinos, who deserve love, kindness, justice, and dignity.”
Tags: Bahaghari
LGBTQIA+ community calls for #JusticeForEbengMayor
Junjie Bangkiao and Ebeng Mayor are but two of the too many Filipino LGBTQIA+ community members who have experienced hate crimes in the country.
Did US soldier really serve jail time in US facility? No one knows, say progressives
“We assert that the Visiting Forces Agreement, which has enabled and exacerbated injustice for Jennifer Laude to the greatest extent and which continue to serve as Duterte’s offerings in his ploy for continued US subservience, must be finally abolished to bring justice for our slain sister.”
Bulatlatan: Huntahan kasama si Rey Salinas ng Bahaghari
Huntahan kasama si Rey Salinas | In this week’s episode of Bulatlatan, let’s get to know Bahaghari national spokesperson Rey Salinas’ life story and advocacies.
#Pride20 recount horrors of arrest in complaint filed vs. Manila police
“We cannot allow the violations of people’s rights to peacefully assemble and air their legitimate grievances be brushed aside. As the Duterte regime tightens its iron-handed grip on our democratic freedom, we have no choice but to push back to ensure that these freedoms will be continually preserved and enjoyed by the people.”
Pride agenda and pink capitalism
“If companies and corporations are truly supporters of the community, they should be against ‘contractualization,’ a thing that has been plaguing LGBT members currently under the working sector.”
Beyond Pride: Daring to bring the LGBT struggle back to the streets
In history, the LGBT Pride March is a daring political statement, anchored on the Stonewall Riots which happened on June 28, 1969.