The “shutdown APEC” protests in San Francisco, California gathered more than a thousand people who shared testimonies about how APEC impoverished a generation, displaced Indigenous peoples, and undermined the rights of workers.
Tags: APEC
K to 12 | The rise of low-fee, private schools for profit
“To generate profits, Apec and other similar chains, employ fewer and unqualified teachers and provide facilities which do not comply to standards. What’s quite regrettable in this regard, and almost scandalous, is that the government has waived regulations that exist in the provision of education, to satisfy the business interests of Pearson and Ayala.”
Post-APEC ruminations
By Carol Pagaduan-Araullo Streetwise | BusinessWorld To the Aquino government and the designers, contractors, entertainers and others fortunate enough to have partaken of the P10-billion peso outlay for the two-day Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) extravaganza, it was a resounding success, a paean to Filipino hospitality and of having “arrived” on the global stage. To the…
Apec has nothing in store for us, Manila vendors say
“If the government really wants to uplift us from our impoverished conditions, why did it have to wait for an Apec? They could have helped us long before.”
‘We were given food not fit for human consumption’
“The removal and detention of homeless and impoverished residents from where they live and work without due process is a violation of their basic human rights.”
Workers, youth hold lightning rally against APEC summit
“APEC is making the lives of Filipinos more difficult, and that’s just a preview of the greater difficulties that it will bring in the coming years.”
APEC hotties and imperialism, a cynical mix
BLOOD RUSH By SARAH RAYMUNDO A good number of netizens are talking about #APEChottie and #APECbae, hashtags derived from the stir manufactured by media over Canada Prime Minister Justin Pierre James Trudeau and Mexico President Enrique Pena Nieto. The poll is whether one is for Team Trudeau or Team Nieto in this “battle of APEC…
Rights lawyers tell police to ‘back off’ from anti-APEC protest
“Will Aquino stand proud before the community of nations giving the red carpet to the high and mighty yet red-tag those who are not?”
Igorot activists from Cordillera to join Apec protests
“Globalization has further pushed the mining industry towards a complete sell-out of our national patrimony to foreign corporations.”
APEC Blues
BLOOD RUSH By SARAH RAYMUNDO The Aquino regime has only buried us deeper into conditions of social and economic backwardness. As president, he has brought the liberalization of trade to its foregone conclusion: a local econoomy that cannot move anywhere beyond export-orientation and import-dependence. The Aquino regime has opted to derail the Peace Talks in…
All Saints’ Day: Workers mourn workplace deaths
A P125 across-the-board wage hike will at least hold back the workers from stepping closer to death.